Friday, May 23, 2014


'Ben-to' Is one of my recommends. the story is about a guy name Yo Sato who finds himself unconscious on the floor in a super market he soon learns that getting half price bento isn't as easy as it thinks and you need to fight for it. Yo is invited to the club name half-price food lover by a very good fighter, Sen Yarizui to know more about how to fight for  half price bento's
and here are some of the might take more of your interest.
  • Every brawler must wait away from the bento area until the God of Discounts, the ones who put the half-priced sticker on the bento boxes, put the sticker on the bento boxes and leave to the break room before beginning to battle. To take one beforehand and to harass the God of Discounts is disrespectful as the last thing they need at the end of their shift are people harassing them for their discount.
  • If another brawler manages to get a bento for themselves, they cannot be attacked. If two or more brawlers get their hands on the same bento, then they fight among themselves until the other lets go of the bento.
  • A brawler can only take one bento, to take another would be greedy and would spoil the victory for another.
  • Brawlers should never do anything to cause a bento to spill, doing that would mean one less bento for someone to get.

I love this anime, its somehow a little strange but its funny that way.Ben-to genre is mainly Comedy,action and maybe some harem in it. there are quiet a few fan service but overall not hentai of ecchi.


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